Courtesy of Treasureland Preschool, here is one example of what a Staff Handbook ought to include. At this pre-school, staff must sign off on the policies annually and attend a workshop. Parents also receive a copy.
- Treasureland Preschool adheres to a “no secrets” rule. Staff members should never ask children to keep a secret from any person.
- Treasureland staff respect toilet-trained children’s privacy regarding toileting but monitor the bathroom area to prevent inappropriate touching of one child by another child.
- Diaper changing is conducted in open areas in the classrooms.
- During toileting/diapering, adults will use anatomically correct terminology.
- Treasureland staff is trained on appropriate and inappropriate touching of children.
- Child initiates hug/side hugs
- High fives/fist bumps
- Holding hands when appropriate (walking uneven ground, crossing street)
- Comforting a child when hurt or upset
- Physical contact should always occur in public, never in private
- Requesting or pressuring children to give hugs
- Kissing children
- Sitting children on an adult’s lap
- Tickling
- Patting buttocks, massaging shoulders/backs
- Rubbing legs
- Repeatedly brushing against a child’s body