- Keep your computer or tablet in a high-traffic area.
- Limit the sites your kids are allowed to visit, and for how long.
- Spend time with your children online and invite them to show you sites and activities they enjoy, including chat rooms and social networking.
- Don’t allow children to take their phones and tablets into the bedroom overnight.
- Resist the urge to purchase external web cams.
- Get to know your children’s online friends just as you would their in-person friends.
- Let children know that they have to “friend” you as a condition of using social media.
- Teach children not to share personal information (birth date, phone #, address, passwords)
- Ask your child to a sign “Safe Use” agreement – and don’t hesitate to revoke privileges if the “Safe Use” agreement is broken.
- Talk with other parents about your online safety practices and setting limits when kids are using devices together on play dates.
is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Please share this post.
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