Children can get into scenarios while playing which can be compromising. Remind kids to keep the doors open and review body-safety practices with them. Also let the kids know to come ask if they need anything and let them know that you’ll be in to check on them from time to time.
As children go off to play, remind both the children and the adults about your family’s four body-safety practices:
- Everyone plays with their clothes on.
- No one touches private parts.
- We don’t keep secrets.
- If you feel unsafe in any way, come tell a trusted adult.
- Jaime repeatedly pulls Justin out of the group of kids and disappears with him. (teen isolating a child from larger group)
- Justin squeezes Jaime’s buttocks several times. (sexualized teasing)
- Justin squeezes Jaime’s buttocks when Jaime has asked him to stop. (poor boundaries)
- Justin shows Jaime an adult porn magazine. (sexually harmful behavior)
- Justin swears Jaime to secrecy about a special place in the basement. (secrecy)
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